Payment Link
as a way to pay

Let customers pay using a secure payment link that’s hosted by IOT Pay and made by you. You send a link, your customer pays, and you get paid.

Here is your payment link:
IOT Store
Pay now $299.98
Scan to try

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It’s your Checkout everywhere

With IOT Pay’s hosted checkout pages, you can easily receive funds from your customers using a link that can be sent through any channel.

Social media

Imbed your payment flow on social media

Email / SMS

Create a link to receive payment from clients


Add payment links to invoices to get paid directly

QR Code

Create a QR code which directly scans into your checkout

The fastest way to unlock your E-com potential

Increase your revenue online without the hassle of having to run a website and maintain an app. Within 2 minutes, you can create your Pay By Link in IOT Pay Portal.

Customize your page

Easily create a hosted payment page by dragging and dropping your creative assets

Create and Send the link

Enter the produce and amount. Copying and pasting the URL into your desired channel

Get notified

Automatically find out when your customer has paid and see all information in your Portal